ISSN: 2226-6348
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This paper highlighted the digital transformation practices from paper-based records into digital format in Government Linked Company (GLC). Technology immensely changing from time to time which affected widespread concern around the world widely in various fields which includes the management of records in organizations. Globally, recordkeeping has transformed from paper-based to digital formats with a patchwork of achievements, failures, and difficulties However, it is undeniable that most organizations are still not aware of the changes of technologies and managed to practice traditional method of records keeping due to certain conditions. Numerous sectors will continue to adapt and develop as technology advances to move in accordance with the changes of technology and boost efficiency. Improper planning of record management in an organization can led to difficulties of long-term preservation and information retrieval in future use. This is where this study tends to measure the perceptions of staff towards the transformation from paper-based into digital format of record preservation in Government Linked Company. The perception of staff acts as an indicator to identify the factors that contribute to the failure of implementation of digitization in an organization. Thus, it is believed that this study can improve the issues of implementation of digitization of records and enhance the high quality of information retrieval for future reference in an organization.
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