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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Motivating Future Youth Entrepreneurs Through Experience: Entrepreneurship Project Based Learning at Higher Education

Siti Nazirah Omar, Norfaezah Mohd Shahren, Mastura Ayob

Open access

It is crucial that entrepreneurship education be acquired through an experiential learning method. Even though there have been several studies on experiential learning, there hasn't been much discussion on the actual methods used in university entrepreneurship programs. This study aims to investigate the students’ views on entrepreneurial projects conducted at the university in entrepreneurship education learning, known as the MAFEST-Marketing Festival on Heritage Food, and to verify the importance of experiential learning that might affect the entrepreneurship education structure. The contents of the event are then discussed, along with the entrepreneurial activities they entailed, and the researchers employed students' perspectives on entrepreneurship learning to ascertain the outcome of entrepreneurial intention, competences, and self-development. Based on the overall review from the respondents, this study advocates that students should be exposed to practical learning experiences by managing an innovative entrepreneurial event at the university. This would assist in the enhancement and strengthening of the theoretical learning that takes place in the classroom. Our study provides evidence that entrepreneurship education based on experience may affect entrepreneurial competencies and intentions in the early stages before the students pursue their career as entrepreneurs in the future.

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(Omar et al., 2023)
Omar, S. N., Shahren, N. M., & Ayob, M. (2023). Motivating Future Youth Entrepreneurs Through Experience: Entrepreneurship Project Based Learning at Higher Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 1852-1862.