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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Science Teaching and Learning Through Digital Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Norlia Mat Nor, Lilia Halim

Open access

Digital education has received strong attention in the context of education today. Digital education refers to the use of digital technologies and tools for the purpose of teaching, learning, and skill development. Science is a systematic and evidence-based exploration of the natural world, aiming to understand its phenomena, uncover underlying principles, and make predictions through observation, experimentation, and logical reasoning. By reviewing existing literature, the objective of the study is to review the existing literature on digital education in science teaching and learning. The study criteria were empirical articles that addressed the research issues. A total of 342 articles went through four stages in the PRISMA model: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Only 30 studies on the implementation of digital education in teaching and learning between the publication years of 2015-2022 were taken from Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), ERIC, and Google Scholar as a reference for this study. To find themes in the data, a thematic analysis was performed. The findings show that digital education has challenges in terms of technical difficulties, lack of learning motivation and engagement, and lack of teacher training and support. A strong strategy is needed for teaching methods and the use of appropriate digital tools and resources in the teaching and learning process. Recommendations for best practices include encouraging interactive learning experiences through digital applications that can be used with mobile phones. The lack of assessment of the use of digital education in science teaching and learning is one recommendation for further research.

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