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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Does Personality Type Affect Online Learning Satisfaction? Perception Based on Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Shadiya M. Baqutayan, Aspah Aini Ishak, Salwa Ahmad Rafee, Muhammad Rohaizad Razali

Open access

The COVID -19 pandemic created new norms and impacted the education sector in Malaysia, forcing both institutions and students to adapt to online learning. The level of satisfaction and perceived learning in online learning environments varied from student to another. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether different personality types expressed more or less satisfaction with online courses. Attempts to characterize the relationship between learners’ personality and their satisfaction with a online academic study. A survey method was used to conduct this study. The study examined 137 students who are civil servants sponsored by the Public Service Department of Malaysia (PSD). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and a Likert-type questionnaire were used to inquire about their preferences and perceptions of online learning. The results show that introverted students prefer online learning overall compared to extroverted students. However, it was also found that the Thinking (T)-Feeling (F) indicators played some role in their preference and perception, with those with F-type leaning towards online learning compared to those with T-type. Thus, this research can help educational institutions to design and offer programs that are either face-to-face, online, or a hybrid to attract more students to enroll; taking into consideration student preferences and perceptions.

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(Baqutayan et al., 2023)
Baqutayan, S. M., Ishak, A. A., Rafee, S. A., & Razali, M. R. (2023). Does Personality Type Affect Online Learning Satisfaction? Perception Based on Myers-Briggs Personality Type. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 2121-2133.