ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Social media has become an integral part of the lives of adolescents worldwide, including in the context of education. In Malaysia, where English is taught as a second language, understanding the roles of social media on attitudes of secondary school learners is of particular importance. Nevertheless, the specific impact of social media on students' motivation in English language learning in Malaysia remains underexplored. This research investigates the types and roles of social media towards the attitudes of secondary school students in English language learning in Malaysia. The quantitative study involved 185 secondary school students from Perak. Questionnaire was conducted to gather insights into their perceptions, experiences, and motivations related to using social media for English language learning. Additionally, quantitative measures were employed to assess the correlation between roles of social media and attitudes of students. SPSS was used to analyse the frequency, percentage and overall mean score. The study highlights WhatsApp as the preferred social media platform among participants. Results indicate that students possess positive attitudes toward using social media for English language learning. This research has important implications for educational policymakers, teachers, and curriculum creators since it will help to design successful ways and recommendations for incorporating social media into English language learning environments. The research shows that by leveraging the unique capabilities of social media to foster a positive disposition towards the English language and enhance student engagement, educators can create more effective and engaging learning experiences for all students.
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