ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Public speaking is essential for improving communication skills and confidence levels in speaking effectively. The program allows students to improve their ability to speak up effectively. Research indicates that board games in primary classrooms positively impact students by helping them interact and build their interpersonal skills. This case study is designed to study the effects of using games on primary students, especially in years one and five, to overcome anxiety in public speaking. This quantitative and qualitative study would enhance students' motivation to speak up while building confidence and speaking competency. The English language continues to be a compulsory subject in school, and it is taught at all levels in schools locally. When students can speak fluently, they open doors for new opportunities, allowing speakers to share and transfer information confidently during oral presentations. The researcher observed and recorded the student's performance to make a weekly comparison, indicating how they progressed while overcoming their anxiety in public speaking via games. All year five students were also given a questionnaire to understand their public speaking perspective better.
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(Kaur et al., 2023)
Kaur, S., Nalliah, M., & Aslam, S. (2023). Enhancing Public Speaking Confidence in Primary Students: Exploring the Impact of Game-Based Interventions on Anxiety Reduction. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 2288-2298.
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