ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Folk musicians are the most direct representatives of folk music and an integral part of music maintenance and education. Informal educational activities conducted by civilian musicians are one of the most important forms of community music education. Likewise, folk musicians, in their capacity as folk song teachers, have completed the teaching of folk songs in community music education practices, thus facilitating the continuation of the folk songs. Consequently, this paper examines the importance of the music education practice activities of folk musicians in the Poya community for the sustainment of folk songs. Specifically, it focuses on the Poya Folk Songs of Intangible Cultural Heritage and describes in detail how, through the practice of folk musicians, an informal learning environment can be created and established in the Poya community that is conducive to the sustainment of folk songs. This study offers a reference case for the sustainment of folk songs by folk musicians as teachers and extends practical recommendations for informal community music education.
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