ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The presence of communication apprehension may impede the development of proficient communication abilities among students when they transition into the professional realm. Therefore, the primary aim of this research is to evaluate the usability and efficacy of the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Theories (SFBCB) module in managing communication apprehension among students enrolled in higher education institutions (HEI). The presence of communication apprehension may impede the development of proficient communication abilities among students when they transition into the professional realm. Therefore, the primary aim of this research is to evaluate the usability and efficacy of the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Theories (SFBCB) module in managing communication apprehension among students enrolled in higher education institutions (HEI). The present study utilizes a mixed-methods design, integrating both quantitative and qualitative research tools. A sample of 11 counsellors was selected for interviews, utilizing thematic analysis technique. A group comprising 30 undergraduate students participated in a quasi-experimental study employing pre- and post-tests to evaluate the efficacy of the SFBCB module. The Personnel Report Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24) questionnaire was used to look at changes in people's fear of communication in four different settings: group discussions, interpersonal conversations, meetings, and public speaking. The research data was analyzed using SPSS software version 23.0, utilizing a paired T-test. The study showed that the SFBCB module had a statistically significant effect on the treatment, as shown by the fact that the mean score dropped from 82.33 to 61.73. Based on the interviews conducted with counsellors, it is evident that the SFBCB module possesses well-defined objectives, a concise time frame, a congenial environment, and a methodical framework, which proves to be advantageous. In conclusion, the implementation of the SFBCB module holds promise for reducing anxiety levels related to communication and improving the psychological well-being of students.
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(Majid et al., 2023)
Majid, N. H. A., Ahmad, N. S., Aman, R. C., & Ali, N. H. M. (2023). The Usability and Effectiveness of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Theories (SFBCB) Module on Communication Apprehension among Higher Education Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(4), 982–998.
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