ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study investigates the effects of the abrupt shift from face-to-face (F2F) to online distance learning (ODL) due to the COVID-19 pandemic on students at UiTM Pasir Gudang, Johor, and UNITAR International University. A quantitative approach, employing online surveys with adapted questionnaires, was used to assess students' motivation, self-efficacy, and anxiety. A comprehensive survey was conducted among students from UiTM Johor Campus Pasir Gudang and UNITAR International University to gather insights into their experiences. This study uses a quantitative method to analyze data collected using an online structured questionnaire. Two adapted research questionnaires on students ‘motivation, self-efficacy, anxiety and online learning performance with 5-likert scales will be utilized. The findings indicate positive influences of online learning on motivation, highlighting flexibility and convenience. Self-efficacy emerged as a crucial factor, contributing to higher motivation and adaptability. Students demonstrated proactive strategies to minimize anxiety, and online learning enhanced self-study abilities and academic performance. Future research should include a comparative analysis with traditional classroom learning and explore the impact across diverse demographic and cultural backgrounds. Insights gained can inform the development of effective online education programs.
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