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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

ESL Learners’ Acceptance of an Integrated English Learning Activity Website in a Malaysian University

Noor Azli Affendy Lee, Muhammad Aiman Abdul Halim, Fazrul Azmi Zulkifli, Ryani Yulian

Open access

This paper explains the factors affecting acceptance of an integrated English language learning website for second language learners based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The objective of this research is to analyse students' perception based on the perceived usefulness (PU) variable, perceived ease of use (PEOU) variable, attitude, behavioural intention to use, self-efficacy, subjective norm, and system accessibility. This research was conducted using a quantitative method, in which questionnaires created based on TAM constructs were used to collect data. Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient obtained was 0.99, which reflects very high internal consistency. Methods of data analysis involve descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation). This research found that students’ attitude towards the platform and the ease of use are the most prominent factors to influence students' acceptance of an English language learning website. It is recommended that future efforts in the development of language learning websites should consider these crucial factors during the developmental phase.

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