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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Open access

Dialogueueue is not only in oral form; it can also be found in written texts. One of the written texts that contain dialogueueues is the holy book that becomes a guide for all mankind, which is the Quran. In every dialogueue, whether written or unwritten, there are implicit and explicit meanings. Because of that, the researcher decided to study the existence of the implicit and explicit meaning in the dialogueueues of the Quran, and if the researcher found the implicit meaning, then the researcher will study them by using the appropriate theory. The researcher is using the qualitative approach for this research. And for this qualitative research, the researcher is using two methods in implementing it: the library method and textual analysis. The research method is divided into two parts: the data collection method and the data analysis method. In conclusion, the interpretation of meaning involving pragmatic areas in implicit dialogueueue from the Quranic verses is easier.

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