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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Competency in Seeking Clarifications in Oral Interactions: Learners’ Perceptions on Effectiveness of a Teaching Module

Suryani Awang, Normah Abdullah, Wan Nuur Fazliza Wan Zakaria, Siti Shazlin Razak

Open access

Fresh graduates ought to be competent in using English due to the fact that the language has pervasive influences both in commerce and within the education system in this country. However, communicating in English could be a challenge to many ESL speakers. This scenario has motivated the development of a teaching module, aimed at enhancing learners’ communicative competency in seeking clarifications as well as their confidence level when using English. Now that the module has been used by students in one public university in the country, the effectiveness of it as perceived by the learners was yet to be examined. The data were then collected through online questionnaires administered in two stages: before and after the use of the teaching module. Based on responses given by 135 respondents, the mean scores and standard deviation for the items in the questionnaire were calculated on the Google Form. The results showed some improvements in learners’ competency in using English. Based on the conclusion drawn from this study, recommendations for future research are offered.

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