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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Gender Difference in Digital Literacy Among Translation Trainees: Self-perceptions and Application Abilities

Da Yan, Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma, Mansour Amini

Open access

Driven by the advancement of Information and communication Technology (ICT), ability to apply state-of-the-art technology in translation has become a requirement for professional translators. In the context of translation education, the emphasis of digital literacy as a core competence for trainees were agreed-upon by stakeholders and curriculum developers. Accordingly, the development and inclusion of translation technology courses in a translation training program have pervasively reshaped translation pedagogy in a digital era. However, the investigation on trainees’ level of digital literacy, especially from a gender perspective, was rarely practiced in existing literature. The present study embarked on filling the lacunae in our understanding of digital literacy by inquiring into their self-perceived abilities of general ICT and translation-specific technologies. Adopting a mixed-method research design, the research triangulated the findings from a survey of self-perceived level of digital literacy answered by 218 respondents (n=218) and focus group discussions with 28 participants (n=28). The findings rejected the stereotypical view that male students were endowed with greater potential in learning technology-centered knowledge. The gender differences in digital literacy among translation trainees were limited to only a few aspects: creativity in using modern technologies, involvement in online communities, and critical thinking, etc. The research would contribute to the expansion of our knowledge in defining translation learners’ digital literacy and understanding the individual difference of trainees in a program.

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(Yan et al., 2023)
Yan, D., Kasuma, S. A. A., & Amini, M. (2023). Gender Difference in Digital Literacy Among Translation Trainees: Self-perceptions and Application Abilities. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(3), 880-896.