ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study aims to understand the relationship between family situation and interpersonal trust among Chinese high school students. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 400 Chinese high school students to investigate the relationship between family adaptability and cohesion, sense of coherence and interpersonal trust. Specifically, the mediating role of sense of coherence in the relationship between family adaptability and cohesion, and interpersonal trust was examined. Results showed that there is no significant difference between male and female students in terms of family adaptability and cohesion, sense of meaning, and interpersonal trust; There are significant differences in the dimensions of sense of coherence, comprehensibility, and controllability. There is a significant difference in family adaptability between grades one and two, but there is no significant difference in other variables. Sense of coherence plays a complete mediating role in predicting interpersonal trust through family adaptability and cohesion.
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