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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Relationship Between Work Pressure and Emotions on the Mental Health of Kuala Lipis Primary School Teachers

Karpagam Subramaniam, Faridah Mydin Kutty, Mahadewan Muniandy

Open access

The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between work stress and emotions with mental health among primary school teachers in the Kuala Lipis district. This study involved a total of 285 primary school teachers in the Kuala Lipis district. The sampling of this study is purposive sampling where this study is only limited to primary school educators in the Kuala Lipis district. The research questionnaire was adapted from studies of (Hsiang, 2016; Kamarudin & Taat, 2020a; Zakaria, 2014) which focus on work pressure, emotions and mental health. This study was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. Data was analyzed with mean and standard deviation to determine the level while using Pearson correlation to obtain findings for the relationship between variables. The findings of the study show that the level of work stress and emotional level are at a moderate level with findings of (min=4.19, SD=0.19) and (min=4.41, SD=0.18) respectively. In addition, the level of mental health is also at a moderate level with findings (mean=3.72, SD=0.17). Overall, there is no significant relationship between work stress and mental health among teachers in Kuala Lipis district primary schools (r=.022, n=285, p=.715, p>0.05). Nevertheless, the findings found that there is a significant relationship between work stress and mental health among teachers in primary schools in the Kuala Lipis district (r=.215, n=285, p=0.00, p<0.05). The Pahang State Education Department can use the findings of this study as a source of guidance to see the real situation experienced, implemented and felt by educators, especially in the level of stress, emotional level and overall mental health level.

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