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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Academic Collegial Leadership Training Transfer: An Integrated Evaluation Approach

Nurul Afiqah Zulkifly

Open access

Collegial leadership is essential for good university governance. To nurture collegial leadership among faculty academic leaders, universities invest considerably in leadership training and development. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the effects of collegial leadership training programmes. The success of a training programme can be manifested by participants’ behavioural change, reflecting their ability to practice the newly acquired knowledge and skills at the workplace. This study is aimed at examining the effects of a collegial leadership training (CLT) programme for faculty academic leaders using a one group pre- and post-test quasi-experimental research design. This paper offers an integrated approach to evaluate training programme through evidence based CLT and training transfer research, controlling for covariates. The participants were thirty academic leaders who were enrolled in a structured CLT programme as an intervention. The results showed significant differences between pre- and post-CLT test scores, thus indicating effective collegial leadership and training transfer.

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