ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study concerns Quran memorization skills, revealing incompetency through the Syafawi test and lack of proficiency based on the established rules or maudhu' in Tahfiz curriculum. It also highlights challenges in maintaining memorization skills. The research evaluates curriculum mastery, teacher components, and teacher competency in Tahfiz curriculum at the Malaysian Teacher Education Institute. Data was collected using Google Form Questionnaires from 215 Tahfiz teachers comprising of 129 male and 86 female respondents, who enrolled in the Interim Tahfiz PDPP (Postgraduate Diploma in Education) Course Intake 2020 in Malaysian Teacher Education Institute. The respondents are placed in MOE secondary schools nationwide, with a minimum service requirement of 3 years in designated MOE schools. They are required to complete a one-year (3-semester) course at selected Malaysian Teacher Education Institute to specialize in teaching, to qualify for interviews conducted by the Education Service Commission (SPP) for permanent appointments. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for analysis. Results indicate high levels of curriculum mastery, competence, and teacher competency elements. A strong and significant correlation exists between curriculum mastery and competence (r = .874**, Sig p = .000). However, the correlation between curriculum mastery and competence elements is weak and insignificant (r = -0.042, Sig p = 0.541). Similarly, the correlation between curriculum competence and competence elements is low and insignificant (r = .023, Sig p = .739). Overall, the study underscores the correlation between teacher competency and curriculum mastery based on teacher skills.
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