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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Open access

This concept paper aims to (1) highlight teaching circles using smart board, (2) review the strengths of teaching using the smart board, and (3) highlight some previous studies in this field. The authors explain the importance of the study of circles, its close connection with other branches of mathematics, and the problems that students encounter when studying the topics of circle. The authors provide insights on teaching using the traditional method and teaching using the smart board. Based on the literature, the authors divided the essential paper into four sections: Teaching Using Traditional Method, Teaching Circles Using Traditional Method, Teaching Using Smart Board, and finally Teaching Circles Using Smart Board. Based on the literature, some strengths of Teaching Circles Using Smart Board are presented.It is emphasized that teachers should be aware of the strengths of Teaching Circles Using Smart Board. Research in this field must be expanded to find effective educational strategies that contribute to increasing the use of the smart board in other mathematical topics and in other subjects such as physics and chemistry.

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