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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Parental Socioeconomic Variables and Their Impact on Soft Skills Development in Secondary School Students in Sri Lanka: A Quantitative Analysis

Jalal Deen Careemdeen

Open access

This research delves into the intricate relationship between parental socioeconomic variables and the development of soft skills among secondary school students in Sri Lanka. The research surveyed 1350 secondary school students in Sri Lanka in a quantitative approach, employing a rigorous stratified random sampling technique. The survey instrument, validated through expert input and assessed for reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, focused on demographic information and self-perceived soft skills measured on a Likert Scale. Descriptive analysis provided insights into the extent of students' soft skills, while multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) explored variations based on parental income and educational levels. The findings reveal a moderately high level of soft skills among students, with significant differences based on parental income levels. Fathers' tertiary education is associated with the highest mean scores in soft skills enhancement. Aligning with existing literature, the study emphasises the multifaceted nature of soft skills and their importance for adaptability. Parental influence is acknowledged as a primary shaping factor for soft skills, with parental income and education affecting access to resources and skill development. The study concludes that parental income and educational levels are pivotal in shaping students' soft skills, providing nuanced insights into the specific impact in the Sri Lankan context. The research contributes to educational policies by highlighting the necessity of tailored interventions that consider academic and non-cognitive aspects.

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(Careemdeen, 2023)
Careemdeen, J. D. (2023). Parental Socioeconomic Variables and Their Impact on Soft Skills Development in Secondary School Students in Sri Lanka: A Quantitative Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(4), 1445–1460.