ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Literature is important in learning a language. It is a powerful tool in improving the students' linguistic skills. Literature also essentials in developing students' language skill and overall academic success. Literature components have been incorporated into English language lessons in Malaysia's primary schools for more than a decade ago. Contemporary Children's Literature (CCL) is a literature component provided for primary school students in Malaysia. One of the objectives of incorporating CCL into the English language is to enhance students' language proficiency. This case study was carried out to discover teachers' perceptions of the inclusion of Information Communication Technology (ICT) with CCL materials in a literature lesson, and to investigate students' perceptions of CCL activities employed by the teacher. The results indicate that teachers employed both teacher-centered and student-centered approaches in teaching literature. Moreover, the integration of ICT assists teachers in engaging students in the lesson. The students showed positive feedback on the use of ICT inside the classroom.
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(Jalius & Soekarno, 2023)
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