ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The COVID-19 pandemic forced a rapid shift towards technology adoption in education worldwide, prompting educators to adapt and ensure learning continuity. As most countries return to normalcy, understanding teachers' evolving technology acceptance levels becomes crucial, especially in the context of emergency remote teaching experiences. This study investigated the technology acceptance and behavioural intentions of English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers in Chinese national-type primary schools at Kota Tinggi District, Johor, Malaysia. 30 ESL teachers participated in this cross-sectional survey, in which they answered an online survey questionnaire which was devised with the reference of past studies. Descriptive, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used to analyse the gathered data. The findings depicted that they hold a high level of technology acceptance level (?=4.20) after the pandemic. Also, their behavioural intention are positively correlated with the factors of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. Nevertheless, their behavioural intention had a significant relationship with only two factors, namely performance expectancy (r=.907) and social influence (r=.906). Performance expectancy was identified as the most significant factor that influenced their behavioural intention towards technology use after COVID-19 pandemic [?=0.439, t(29)=2.965, p<0.05]. This study shed light on the patterns of behaviour that ESL teachers in Kota Tinggi intend to use when integrating technology in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. Addressing these factors through training programmes and supportive school environments will enable technology to continue playing a meaningful role in enhancing ESL education, thereby fulfilling the aspirations of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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