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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Incorporation of Higher Order Thinking Skills in a Blended EFL Reading Classroom

He Xiangjun, Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh

Open access

Despite many researches on blended learning approaches in developing higher order thinking, there is a gap in understanding the application of HOTS in EFL teaching. This study aimed to revealing the incorporation of higher-order thinking skills in a blended reading classroom for EFL students at a Chinese public provincial university. The study used the qualitative method through a case study approach. With a purposive sampling technique, and EFL teacher and the first semester English major students participated in the study. Observation, documentation, and semi-structured interview were conducted to collect the data which was then analysed qualitatively. It was found that informing the importance of critical thinking in reading, questioning from lower thinking order skills to higher thinking order skills, reviewing with feedback, synchronous and asynchronous discussion, encouraging cooperative learning, and applying reading in rewriting were used in the teaching process. This study has also provided some implications and suggestions for the future research.

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(Xiangjun & Singh, 2024)
Xiangjun, H., & Singh, C. K. S. (2024). The Incorporation of Higher Order Thinking Skills in a Blended EFL Reading Classroom. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 83–98.