ISSN: 2226-6348
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The concept of cognitive readiness is related to the mental preparation of military personnel with knowledge, skill, and abilities (KSAs) to perform in a military operation that requires military personnel to think and react. The purpose of this article is to highlight the issue and consideration concept of cognitive readiness for the Malaysian Army (MA). The MA realizes the challenges in ensuring military personnel at each level (strategic, operational, and tactical) are cognitively ready for military operations involving multi-domination operations. To address this issue and consideration, the MA has to provide a strategy related to implementing the science of training related to factors that influence the transfer of training and its effect on cognitive readiness. Moreover, future research in this area should focus on developing theoretical and conceptual frameworks of cognitive readiness, which can explore and analyze factors that contribute to enhancing military personnel readiness in the MA.
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(Alim et al., 2023)
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