ISSN: 2226-6348
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Scientific literacy has received more attention as the main objective of science education, as it fosters critical thinking, the creation of scientific evidence, and problem-solving skills. The purpose of this research is to examine if science instruction using a STEM-5E module on the topic of waves enhances students' scientific literacy in Doha, Qatar. A quasi-experimental technique known as "the non-equivalent (pretest and posttest) control-group design" was applied in this study. 120 students were in the sample; 58 students from two of the 9th grade classes served as the control group, and 62 students from two classes served as the experimental group. Two instruments were used: the scientific literacy test created by the researcher using the "PISA 2018 Scientific Literacy Framework “to evaluate the 9th graders' acquisition of scientific literacy competencies in the topic of waves, and the STEM-5E module (on the topic of waves) developed by the researcher. A one-way ANCOVA analysis was conducted to see whether there was a significant difference in scientific literacy, and a one-way MANCOVA analysis was conducted to determine whether there was a significant difference in the competencies of scientific literacy; "Explain Phenomena Scientifically," "Evaluate and Design Scientific Enquiry," and "Interpret Data and Evidence Scientifically.". that using the STEM-5E module had statistically significant effects on students' results of scientific literacy and its competencies. This indicates that the STEM-5E module improves scientific literacy as well as all three competencies.
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(Alwaqfi & Saleh, 2023)
Alwaqfi, E. J. A., & Saleh, S. (2023). The Effect of STEM-based 5E Module (in the topic of Waves) in Enhancing Scientific Literacy Among Ninth-grade Students in Doha, Qatar. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(4), 823–837.
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