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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Effects of Reading Habits on Academic Performance among Students in An ESL Classroom: A Literature Review Paper

Effie Anak Wani, Hanita Hanim Ismail

Open access

Reading holds a key role in personal development and academic success, contributing significantly to knowledge acquisition, vocabulary enhancement, and critical thinking skills. The absence of a reading habit often corresponds with lower performance in English classes, underscoring the need to nurture this skill. This review investigates past studies, using Google Scholar and Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) to explore discussions on challenges in teaching reading in ESL classrooms and the impact of students' reading habits on overall academic success. From a pool of 78 journal articles, 28 were identified as directly relevant to the research questions. Some of the challenges encountered in teaching reading are the extensive use of social media platforms, instructional strategies used, materials selection, and the application of inefficient pedagogical approaches. The digital era further contributes to students' digital distractions, impeding their learning process. Nevertheless, this review reveals a positive connection between consistent reading habits and enhanced academic performance. This review advocates for active involvement from parents, teachers, and policymakers in fostering a love for reading among children, emphasising the enduring benefits of maintaining a regular reading habit. Encouraging and maintaining a regular reading habit emerges as a crucial strategy to positively impact students' academic performance. It is imperative for teachers and parents to monitor their children's use of technology during studies to prevent distractions and ensure its sustainable integration into education. In light of these findings, continuous efforts are recommended to instil and sustain a passion for reading, recognizing its profound influence on students' educational journeys.

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(Wani & Ismail, 2024)
Wani, E. A., & Ismail, H. H. (2024). The Effects of Reading Habits on Academic Performance among Students in An ESL Classroom: A Literature Review Paper. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 470–483.