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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Collaborative Learning as a Mechanism of Extracting Learning Abilities for English Course Design and Facilitation

Jean Hoo Fang Jing, Nurhamizah Ishak, Aqilah Arshad, Haniza Sarijari, Shahira Adam

Open access

Extensive research presently provides plenty of evidence supporting the idea that collaborative learning has a good impact on learner achievement. When learners work together on tasks, they can use the different ideas and experiences of their classmates to solve problems and come to a better understanding of different meanings as a group. Sidgi (2022) claims that the success of every teaching and learning method depends on a network of factors that are interdependent. The most important of these are the quality, quantity, and efficiency of the fundamental factors. This study used a quantitative research methodology to look at how collaborative learning affected four main areas: students' ability to work together as a team, give presentations, manage their assignments, and speak and understand English. There were 47 respondents comprising 10 male students and 37 female students who participated in the research survey. The findings show that collaborating on tasks does improve both the way learners collaborate and their own skills, especially when it comes to skills like language skills, speaking skills, and managing assignments. Hence, collaborative learning methods should be used more often and in various settings to help learners learn a wide range of skills and work well with others. Aside from that, the results also indicate how important it is to know how to use technology for communication purposes when working with others. It is recommended that future researchers embark on investigating how to maximise effective technology usage in order to ensure the success of collaborative learning implementation.

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(Jing et al., 2024)
Jing, J. H. F., Ishak, N., Arshad, A., Sarijari, H., & Adam, S. (2024). Collaborative Learning as a Mechanism of Extracting Learning Abilities for English Course Design and Facilitation. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 1844–1854.