ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This article provides insights into the use of transformational leadership in private K12 schools in China, its impact on school development and the challenges it faces. The article emphasises the importance of transformational leadership, which has positively impacted the field of education by stimulating intrinsic motivation in followers and promoting innovation and improvement. In particular, Leithwood's model of transformational leadership has been shown to be particularly effective in educational reform. Using a literature review approach, the study explores the specific impact of transformational leadership on private K12 schools and the main challenges these schools encounter in implementing transformational leadership by analysing existing research data and theories. The article first provides a detailed introduction to the concept and characteristics of transformational leadership, and then analyses the current situation of private K12 schools in China, including their efforts and achievements in improving the quality of teaching and learning, and promoting the all-round development of students. The main findings suggest that despite the challenges, the positive impact of transformational leadership on private K12 schools is significant, and it helps schools adapt to the demands of educational reforms and contributes to the overall development and progress of the school. The article also suggests that to realise the full potential of transformational leadership in China's private K12 education environment, further research is needed to address the existing challenges and propose strategies to adapt to the local culture and education system. Finally, the article suggests directions for future research, including the development of a theoretical framework for transformational leadership that is more appropriate for the Chinese private K12 school environment and the development of strategies to address specific challenges. These studies will help optimise the application of transformational leadership in Chinese private K12 schools and provide theoretical and practical support for continuous improvement and development in the field of education. Through these efforts, the research aims to provide guidance on leadership in Chinese private K12 schools and to contribute to the improvement of educational quality and the modernisation of school management.
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