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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Investigating Language Learning Strategies in an Online Learning Environment among Adolescent in an English as Second Language Setting

Fatin Khairuni Yusoff, Nur Ehsan Mohd Said

Open access

The effect from Covid-19 has not stopped since 2020 and has caused the government to stop all physical activity including teaching and learning at school. Changing from traditional teaching and learning methods to online classes would naturally change the dynamic of teaching and learning therefore impacting students' learning skills and the amount of knowledge gained. Consequently, this research aims to find out which language learning strategies choose by Form 5 students when learning English during online classes. This research involved cross-sectional survey therefore it is a self-completed online questionnaire involving 302 respondents. This study employs quantitative methods involving descriptive statistics and ANOVA to find the significant difference. The findings showed that common LLS employed by Form 5 students are memory strategies supported by the highest mean value and affective strategy is the lowest mean value. By identifying the Form 5 students’ learning strategies for English subjects during online learning, educators can make it as reference to help the students in improving their learning style to achieve better outcomes in the future.

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(Yusoff & Said, 2024)
Yusoff, F. K., & Said, N. E. M. (2024). Investigating Language Learning Strategies in an Online Learning Environment among Adolescent in an English as Second Language Setting. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 857–867.