ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
A systematic review of the application of metaverse technology in entrepreneurship education can help relevant teaching and research personnel better grasp the current development trends, and better utilize cutting-edge technologies to support the development of entrepreneurship education in teaching and practice. Therefore, this review aims to review the latest trends and research with the question "What issues can metaverse technology be applied in entrepreneurship education?". This system review adopts Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) , and collects data based on two core journal databases, Scopus and Web of Science, while using Note Express and Mendeley as supporting databases. A total of 27 articles were identified through a systematic search of ("metaverse*" OR "cyberspace*" OR "metaverse technology*") AND ("entrepreneurship education*" OR "enterprise education*" OR "entrepreneurial education*"). The results shown that metaverse related technologies are changing entrepreneurial intentions, make it easier for entrepreneurs to access entrepreneurial resources, and improving the efficiency of entrepreneurship education. The exploration of these issues also lays the foundation for subsequent researchers to study how to apply cutting-edge technologies to entrepreneurship education.
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