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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Developing E-Muhadathat Kit Instrument (I-KEM) for Non-Arabic Speakers: A Rasch Model Analysis

Siti Rahmah Borham, Saipolbarin Ramli, Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani, Abd Hadi Borham, Miftachul Huda, Nurziaty Nordin

Open access

More attention should be given to determining the precise instrument validity and reliability measurement tools in order to reduce error and produce a quality instrument. Hence, this study aims to identify the validity and reliability of the E-Muhadathat kit or (I-KEM) instrument, which has 21 items, via the Rasch Measurement Model. This model is believed to provide accurate estimates of construct validity and instrument reliability. This instrument aims to determine the development requirements for the E-Muhadathat kit targeted at non-Arabic speakers in Malaysian public higher learning institutions. Three experts in Malay, Arabic, and general knowledge were consulted to determine the instrument's face and content validity, which contains 21 items. I-KEM pilot questionnaires were distributed online using Google Forms to 50 respondents from three public Malaysian universities: MARA University of Technology (UiTM), University of Malaya (UM), and University Putra Malaysia (UPM). Subsequently, the validity and reliability of I-KEM were measured based on the Rasch Model using Ministeps software version The findings show that I-KEM needs to be improved in terms of face validity and content validity on the recommendation of expert evaluators. In contrast, the measurement of the Rasch Model shows that I-KEM has good construct validity with a noise level of 10% and is controlled by a maximum value of 15%. In addition, the item reliability index of 0.96 and the person reliability index of 0.90 indicate a high degree of instrument reliability. This study presents significant findings in determining the developmental needs for the E-Muhadathat kit for non-Arabic speakers in Malaysian public higher learning institutions.

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(Borham et al., 2024)
Borham, S. R., Ramli, S., Ghani, M. T. A., Borham, A. H., Huda, M., & Nurziaty, N. (2024). Developing E-Muhadathat Kit Instrument (I-KEM) for Non-Arabic Speakers: A Rasch Model Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 560–573.