ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Assessment is a process to assess students' knowledge, skills, and tendencies through the process of collecting and analyzing information. The value or importance of assessment is important because teachers play a role in assessing student achievement and planning teaching strategies. This study aims to identify articles that discuss assessment as, for and of learning; connecting the assessment approach with teachers' beliefs about the importance of assessment and evaluating the importance of assessment approach to teacher assessment practices and student learning. A total of 27 articles were selected based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) model. The findings show that assessment as learning is discussed in four articles, assessment for learning is discussed in 25 articles and assessment of learning is discussed in four articles. Based on the number of articles that discuss assessment approaches, the value of assessment for learning is seen as more important than assessment as and of learning. This study has the potential to provide information for teachers and policy makers to focus on a more effective assessment approach in improving student development. Further studies can be carried out through qualitative research methods and the construction of specific instruments on assessment values.
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(Othman et al., 2024)
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