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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Evaluation “Headway Academic Skills (Level 3) From Teachers and Students’ Perspectives

Baan Jafar Sadiq, Shaima Mahdi Saalh

Open access

Discovering the perspective of teachers and students concerning a textbook is an essential procedure for a proper evaluation of that book and the success of the teaching-learning process. Therefore, the current study has been conducted especially to evaluate an English language course being taught in Iraqi Universities. It is to figure out the views and perspectives of teachers and students concerning the English language textbook which is newly adopted for Iraqi non-departmental students entitled: " Headway Academic Skills: level 3". A checklist is used as an instrument to collect the required data from a sample of 36 EFL teachers who teach Headway Academic Skills: level 3 as well as 43 students who taught this textbook from the University of Baghdad. The obtained results show that the evaluated course book is undesirable from the teachers and students' points of view in many aspects. However, several obstacles need to be addressed to grasp higher EFL advantage for non-departmental students. The study ends with many conclusions and recommendations.

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(Sadiq & Saalh, 2024)
Sadiq, B. J., & Saalh, S. M. (2024). Evaluation “Headway Academic Skills (Level 3) From Teachers and Students’ Perspectives. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 1208–1219.