ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The process of photolithography is widely employed in micro manufacturing to create printed circuit boards (PCBs). To transfer a geometric design from a photo mask to a light-sensitive material (photoresist) on the substrate using light, a thin coating of the substrate must be exposed to UV light in certain areas. Typically, UV fluorescent bulbs and metal halide lamps comprise the bulk of exposure systems used in the photolithography process. Nevertheless, both technologies are very expensive and energy-intensive for educational institutions. Additionally, they are inappropriate for the sizes of PCBs that must be put on the equipment and have too broad of a UV ray. The purpose of this innovation is to use LED illumination technology to develop a low-cost, portable UV exposure system that performs well in educational settings. These UV LED exposures were constructed utilizing a combined LED circuit with a controller board to control time, relay, and LCD display. The UV LED circuit, measuring 120 mm by 190 mm and using 3 mm LEDs, produces a wavelength of 400 to 405 mm for the UV exposure system. Owing to its strong and adaptable construction, LED lighting can be incorporated into any shape to produce incredibly effective illumination. The research results indicate that because LED lights can focus light on a specific location, they have a better application efficiency. Therefore, well-designed LED illumination systems may be able to provide light to the intended place more effectively. They may also be turned on and off frequently, and they brighten instantly when powered on. The benefits of LEDs for infrastructure projects like exposure systems, which may be further enhanced for future technology have been brought to light by this research.
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