ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This study explores skills acquisition factors in utilizing 4IR technologies within the Malaysian Food Services Industry, specifically in dine-in restaurants. Applying a Sequential Exploratory mixed methods approach, the qualitative phase explores reasons for using 4IR technologies, factors influencing service staff skill acquisition, and the required 4IR skills in a Food Services working environment. Based on these qualitative insights, a survey instrument for Food Service staff is developed, integrating constructs from the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory and the Technological-Organisational-Environmental (TOE) Framework. DOI is used to analyze factors influencing technology adoption and skills acquisition, while TOE maps these constructs to technological, organizational, and environmental factors similar to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) curriculum components. Key findings reveal that 4IR technologies address staff shortages, allowing service staff to perform tasks other than taking orders and sending food to customers. Key factors influencing skills acquisition are the technology’s low complexity and compatibility within the working environment. Key skills include operational handling of 4IR technology, communication skills, risk assessment, escalation of technical issues to maintenance personnel and training of technology use to new staff.
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(Amiron & Abdul Latib, 2024)
Amiron, E., & Abdul Latib, A. (2024). Exploring Factors Influencing Fourth Industrial Revolution Skills Acquisition in The Food Services Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 1387–1402.
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