ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Analysing the flipped classroom framework is a crucial framework for informing teachers and students about the evolving teaching and learning method. The connection for flipped classrooms has significantly arisen due to the diverse needs of the students in the educational field. In this research, a total number of 774 scholarly articles have been utilised with a bibliometric approach. The bibliometric analysis examines different trends in regards to the flipped classrooms model which can be considered as pedagogical concepts that reflect on the flaws in the traditional learning environment. Along with this, with the help of this bibliometric analysis, it has been possible for the researcher to focus on different learning tactics such as active learning and learning outside of the classroom. In this study, the researcher systematically reviews different literature in order to recognise various perspectives of the authors on the context of the topic of the flipped classroom. In order to reach the ultimate conclusion the researcher leverages the key techniques of bibliometric analysis which includes citation analysis, authorship analysis, and keyword analysis. In addition, the institutional and geographical distribution patterns have also been demonstrated in this study which will help the readers to recognise the current state of the flipped classroom model.
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(Chitambram & Sazalli, 2024)
Chitambram, A., & Sazalli, N. A. H. (2024). Flipped Classroom Trends: A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 2578–2592.
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