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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Sustaining International Education with Metaverse-Based Learning for Chinese: A Systematic Review(2019–2023)

Xie Xiaoning, Melor Md Yunus, Karmila Rafiqah M. Rafiq

Open access

Metaverse technology is highly immersive and intelligent, which can be perfectly integrated into international Chinese education, promote the innovation and development of traditional international Chinese education, improve the efficiency of foreign students in learning Chinese characters, and better help foreign students to improve their Chinese language ability and proficiency. Therefore, this review systematically identifies trends in m-learning related to International Chinese Education using 4 databases, namely Web of Science (Wos), Scopus, Science Direct and Taylor & Francis e-Journals (PPV).A total of 13 articles were identified through a systematic search of"Chinese learning" OR "Chinese education" OR "Chinese courses" AND "metaverse" OR "metaverse-Based Learning" OR "techniques"OR "International Chinese Education"13 articles were extracted from the 332 articles available between 2019 and 2023, taking into account the exclusion and inclusion criteria.First, important findings indicate the ways in which metaverse technologies are used in international Chinese education, which are grouped into six categories in this review. Second, the difficulties in international Chinese education are mainly related to pinyin, strokes of Chinese characters and the lack of Chinese learning environment. Overall, this review is valuable for practitioners to understand the ways in which metaverse technology can be applied in international Chinese education and to identify the points of difficulty in international Chinese education so that international Chinese education can be sustainable in the future.

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