ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
The unique cultural heritage of our country needs to be appreciated and revealed at an early stage, especially at the preschool level. Among them is a traditional dance full of body movements performed softly accompanied by music. Dance and movement is one of the new approaches that can promote the balanced development of children from cognitive, physical, emotional, and social aspects in a more meaningful way. This study aims to develop a model of the Cross Clap Step in Malaysian zapin dance among preschool children using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The objective of this study is to identify movement elements in the Langkah Silang Tepuk steps found in the Malaysian zapin dance. The data of this study was analysed using the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) approach. A total of 9 experts in the field of early childhood education and dance experts were involved in identifying and confirming the relevant elements for preschool students in the Langkah Silang Tepuk step in zapin Malaysia dance. The ISM approach is applied to develop a model and map the relationship between the elements identified in the Tap “ Langkah Silang Tepuk” Model of the Malaysian zapin dance among preschool children. This study can also identify elements of creative movement in Malaysian zapin dance based on the experience and knowledge of selected experts. The results of the study have reached a consensus that the movements in the Malaysian zapin dance can be done creatively through three steps based on a model developed based on the skills and mastery of the teacher. The implications of the study show that teachers need to be creative in teaching zapin dance by diversifying the steps to attract children to learn the dance of zapin Malaysia.
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