ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Artificial intelligence technology such as chatterbot (chatbot) has widely been applied in various industries. The application of chatbot in education has become prominent and has been growing fast, assisting to provide smart responses between students and educators. A chatbot is a computer program that communicates in a normal, conversational way with users on a certain subject in particularly through text and voice. This project aimed to implement a web-based chatbot to assist users to interact using natural language and to train the chatbot using waterfall model since it able to generate an automatic response. In this context, Telegram will integrate with Python to implement the web-based chatbot. This project is a conversational agent to provide speedy and quick response to the basic PHP Programming enquiry with standard answers. It is hoped to minimize the response delay in getting answers due to the larger volume of enquiries. In addition, the recommended approach will benefit the users in more effective way of learning process and will improve the students’ motivation and engagement. Functionality testing had been conducted to test the and the results showed that each function can run properly on Telegram Web in window and Telegram app in smartphone without any error occurred.
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(Shaffie et al., 2024)
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