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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Behavioral Intention of Chinese College Students Use Social Media to Improve English Speaking Skills: Based on the Technology Acceptance Model and Self-Determination Theory

Jie Ding, Nurhasmiza Sazalli

Open access

The use of social media has become an important part of contemporary Chinese university students' lives and learning, and as an educational tool, it can facilitate learning. However, acceptance is a prerequisite for using social media in language learning. For Chinese college students who are not English majors, increasing learners' acceptance through intrinsic motivation has become a current concern due to the lack of extrinsic motivation. Therefore, this study, drawing upon the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as theoretical frameworks, investigates the acceptance and usage patterns of social media platforms for enhancing speaking skills. Findings reveal a high level of acceptance among students, with usage intentions influenced by facilitating conditions, autonomy, competence, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. Autonomy, competence, and relatedness impact the perceived usefulness and ease of use of social media for English-speaking learning. However, conclusive evidence regarding the impact of social influence and relatedness on behavioral intention to use remains elusive. Actionable recommendations are provided for researchers, policymakers, developers, and users to promote the integration of social media into language learning practices.

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(Ding & Sazalli, 2024)
Ding, J., & Sazalli, N. (2024). Behavioral Intention of Chinese College Students Use Social Media to Improve English Speaking Skills: Based on the Technology Acceptance Model and Self-Determination Theory. International Journal of Acdemic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(2), 34–54.