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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Level of Tajweed Mastery among Working Parents

Nik Siti Hajar, Latifah A. Majid, Sabri Mohamad

Open access

Tajweed is important to be studied, especially to enhance the quality of Quranic recitation. A good mastery of Tajweed can prevent errors and ensures the recitation is properly done as what has been practiced by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions. However, the mastery of Tajweed among children are still weak because of their parents’ busy schedules and focus on careers being prioritized. The impication is that due to challenges faced by parents, their children are less able to read the Quran with perfect Tajweed. Therefore, this paper is conducted to investigate the level of Tajweed mastery among working parents. This study takes a quantitative form through a survey method with questionnaire distribution. This study found that mastery of Tajweed rules in Articulation Points (Makhraj), The Stop (Waqf), The Start (Ibtida), Tafkheem and Tarqeeq is still at a moderate level. However, parents have high understanding in Tajweed rules of Noon Saakinah and Tanween, Meem Sakinah and The Mudood. Therefore, this study suggests that future research should include samples from both urban and rural communities in order to present research findings in two aspects, such as Tajweed mastery among working parents living in urban and rural areas.

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(Hajar et al., 2024)
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