Collaborative relationships between vocational colleges and the industrial sector are essential for preparing highly skilled graduates aligned with the job market needs. The need for collaborative implementation with the industrial sector in Malaysian vocational colleges (KV) is an initiative to provide competitive training programs through the empowerment of strategic industrial collaborative relationships to balance the current supply and demand of the workforce. Hence, this study is conducted to explore the implementation of industrial collaborative relationships in KV based on the
Head of Industrial Relations and Training Unit Officer (KUPLI) perspective. This study uses a qualitative approach, while the multiple embedded case study has been used as a research design. The data was gathered through interviews and document analysis. The units of analysis for this study consist of KUPLI informants and informants from the Industrial Cooperation and Relations Unit Officer (UKHI) from the Department of Technical and Vocational Education, Malaysia Ministry of Education (BPLTV). The study samples were determined through a purposive sampling method. This study uses the thematic analysis method, and the data was analyzed using the NVIVO12 software. The result indicates that four collaborative relationships are being implemented in Malaysian vocational colleges (KV), including students’ On-The-Job Training (OJT) programs, study programs quality assurance, the development of quality human capital, and professional sharing programs between KV and industries. The findings of this study provide an overview of the current practices of industrial collaboration in vocational colleges (KV). The researcher hoped this study would benefit KV and their industrial collaborators by providing an idea for effective industrial collaborative relationships.
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