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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Teacher’s Leadership Style Impacts on Student’s Academic Performances in Beijing, China

Yong Yi Wang, Aida Hanim A. Hamid

Open access

A teacher’s leadership is crucial in schools especially in terms of student’s academic achievement. This study intends to explore the relationship between different types of teacher’s leadership and impact on student’s academic achievement in schools. This study provided an in-depth literature review on instructional, academic, and value-based leadership among teachers in schools. A research framework is proposed on the relationship between instructional leadership, academic leadership, and value-based leadership and student’s academic achievement. The proposed framework was integrated with the theories such as learning theory, sociocultural learning theory, and cognitivism theory. The variables will be examined among teachers from secondary schools in Beijing, China.

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(Wang & Hamid, 2024)
Wang, Y. Y., & Hamid, A. H. A. (2024). Teacher’s Leadership Style Impacts on Student’s Academic Performances in Beijing, China. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(2), 226–241.