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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Position of Maqasid Daruriyyah in Addressing The Halal Status of Food Product Innovations Today

Pengiran Hajah Norkhairiah Pengiran Haji Hashim, Nizaita binti Omar, Siti Norsaidatul Rashidah binti A.Kossachi

Open access

The halal industry sector, especially the food industry, has become a significant factor in boosting the country's economic power. This is because the demand for food characterized by 'halalan tayyiban' has been increasing over time. The rapid development of biotechnology and nanotechnology, as well as the production of various innovations in the food industry today, are aimed at meeting the demand for food while also achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is zero hunger. What is concerning is that issues related to halal and tayyib aspects of some food products, from production chains, processing, sales to consumption, are still not fully resolved and remain a subject of debate among the Muslim community. This study examines the relationship between Maqasid Daruriyyah and product innovation in the halal food industry. The research method used is the analysis of documents to examine fatwas related to contemporary issues in food product innovation, including cultured meat, genetically modified (GM) foods, the use of blood plasma and alcohol in food, and the use of cochineal as a coloring agent. The analysis results indicate that in Islamic law, food product innovation is evaluated based on the principles of benefit (maslahah) and harm (mafsadah), which emphasize human welfare and societal well-being

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(Hashim et al., 2024)
Hashim, P. H. N. binti P. H., Omar, N. binti, & A.Kossachi, S. N. R. binti. (2024). The Position of Maqasid Daruriyyah in Addressing The Halal Status of Food Product Innovations Today. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(2), 515–527.