ISSN: 2226-6348
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Because the study of national identity allows for the exploration of pathways to promote social cohesion, exploring the important influence of national identity on society has become a focus of researchers' attention. The purpose of this review is to do an examination of curriculum and national identity and to explore the potential for research on the impact of curriculum education on national identity. The paper focuses on assessing the concept of national identity, the educational content of national identity in textbooks, and the relationship between curriculum and the formation of students' national identity. The content of national identity in textbooks has been widely studied, but the mechanisms by which instructional materials influence students' national identity have not been empirically examined. Empirical research on students' national identity perceptions, attitudes, evaluations, emotions, and behaviors from the dimensions of curriculum content, curriculum objectives, instructional design, teaching methods, teacher literacy, and curriculum evaluation are all areas that need to be explored.
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