ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study delves into the psychosocial hazards encountered by academics in renowned private research-focused universities in Malaysia. The demanding requirements set forth by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MoHE) for international recognition, rankings, and quality, coupled with the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) expectations, have been observed to induce stress among academics. This research highlights job context as a critical domain encompassing various factors and conditions surrounding academic work. Through a qualitative approach employing the case-study method, data were gathered from seventeen participants via standardised open-ended interviews and analysed thematically using Atlas. ti version 23 analysis software. The findings revealed six significant stress themes within the job context: organisational culture & function, role in the organisation, career development, decision latitude, interpersonal relationships at work, and home interface. Four emerging themes were identified: leadership, performance appraisal exercise, passion & interest, and administration support. These insights shed light on academic challenges within the job context, emphasising the importance of promoting well-being to optimise organisational practices and academic performance and ensure a sustainable career path in academia.
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