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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Technology's Perception and Challenges among Malaysian Educators' in Teaching Mathematics

Vadivalagi Manimaran, M. Khalid M. Nasir

Open access

Mathematics educators, particularly teachers, possess unfavorable opinions and encounter challenges when it comes to effectively incorporating technology into their teaching methods. Teachers in government school classrooms are encountering a shortage of resources and expertise when it comes to teaching Mathematics. This research seeks to understand the factors contributing to instructors' limited awareness of incorporating technology into their mathematics classes. The questionnaire was adjusted according to the Technology Acceptance Model Theory. One hundred mathematics instructors from secondary schools in Johor state, including both urban and rural areas, were given survey questionnaires as part of the research's quantitative technique. According to the Head of Department, mathematics teachers are encountering significant difficulties when it comes to utilizing technology for teaching Mathematics in the classroom, as evidenced by the participation and outcomes of teachers in the mathematical area. This study provides practical insights for the Malaysia Education Ministry to analyze the data and enhance the well-being of teachers, hence facilitating effective and convenient teaching.

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(Manimaran & Nasir, 2024)
Manimaran, V., & Nasir, M. K. M. (2024). Technology’s Perception and Challenges among Malaysian Educators’ in Teaching Mathematics. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(2), 694–705.