While Literature in Action (LiA) recently introduced in Malaysian secondary schools to enhance student engagement and promote critical thinking through literature, there are limited studies conducted to examine teacher perspectives and implementation challenges. This mixed-method study addresses this gap by exploring the perspectives as well as the challenges faced by English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers in secondary schools in Selangor, Malaysia on the recent implementation of LiA. Through the incorporation of questionnaires with Likert-scale items and open-ended questions, as well as semi-structured interviews, this study discovered that educators held contrasting opinions regarding the efficacy and the challenges of LiA implementation. While the majority of the participants acknowledged the LiA potentials to enhance student engagement and critical thinking in their classrooms, several cited practical challenges namely time constraints, limited resources, LiA text suitability and lack of assessment framework. The study also found the belief that LiA curriculum is not subject to examination contributed to students' lack of interest in LiA and resulted in teachers' emphasis on areas directly relevant to examination. Further studies can be conducted identify comprehensive strategies to address these problems and optimise the integration of LiA in ESL lessons. This will establish a conducive learning environment that encourages students' linguistic growth and appreciation for literature.
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