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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Home-School Partnership in Early Childhood Education: Understanding The Challenges and Obstacles

Izawati Ngadni, Chen Yee Shuang

Open access

Parental participation and home-school partnerships have been crucial in Early Childhood Education (ECE). The attitudes and understanding of the stakeholders determine the learning experience and outcome. This study was conducted in Malaysia to gather the perspectives of preschool parents, teachers, and principals. The data is collected through self-completion interviews, open-ended questionnaires, and observations of preschool stakeholders. The findings suggest that parents are willing to participate in their children's education. The teachers and principals, too, prioritize the significance of developing relationships with parents. However, certain hindrances, such as time constraints and insufficient knowledge and resources, are present. The implication of this study shows that there is a need for the provision of parental support by the school is essential in augmenting parenting abilities and promoting cooperation. Also, there is a need for training programmes for parents and teachers to address competency gaps. The Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE) centres and the national policy ought to devise a plan of action that aligns with pragmatic necessities and effectively communicates the advantages of collaborative endeavours.

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(Ngadni & Shuang, 2024)
Ngadni, I., & Shuang, C. Y. (2024). The Home-School Partnership in Early Childhood Education: Understanding The Challenges and Obstacles. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 18–35.