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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Level Up Literacy: Unveiling English Teachers' Gamified Learning Adventure in Primary Education

Tan Xiao Wei, Melor Md Yunus, Nur Ehsan Mohd Said

Open access

Amidst the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), education evolves with gamified learning emerging as a method to enrich teaching across academic disciplines. Recognizing the importance of English proficiency, the Ministry of Education in Malaysia has prioritized its development. However, traditional methods of teaching English as a second language face challenges in engaging and motivating learners. Gamified learning offers interactive activities that make language learning enjoyable and meaningful, but its effective implementation depends on teachers' perceptions and competence, which remains understudied in Malaysia, particularly in Jasin, Melaka. This study investigated primary English teachers' perceptions and perceived competence in implementing gamified learning. Employing a quantitative research design, data were collected via a survey questionnaire from purposively sampled primary English teachers in Jasin. Descriptive statistics analyzed teachers' perceptions and competence, revealing a consensus on gamified learning's positive impact on pupils' autonomy, competence, and relatedness, aligning with Self-Determination Theory. The study highlights gamified learning's potential to create enjoyable environments, fostering enthusiasm and positive shifts in language acquisition. However, it also reveals variations in teachers' knowledge and confidence, citing challenges such as infrastructure barriers, time constraints, and the need for enhanced IT literacy. The study advocates for targeted professional development to address these challenges and enhance teacher confidence in gamified learning. The findings provide valuable insights for future pedagogical practices, aiming to foster an engaging and effective English language learning environment in primary schools.

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