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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Cultivating Inclusive Voices: Empowering Student Leaders through Inquiry-Structured Agendas in Feedback Meetings

Nadine Hayudini Nograles, Nurul Atiah Krishnan, Steffi Shih May Tan

Open access

This research article explores the implementation of inquiry-structured agenda structure in feedback meetings within student voice initiatives. The study aims to investigate the impact of reframing agenda items as questions on meeting effectiveness, participant engagement and satisfaction. Through a mixed-methods approach, the project examines the experiences of student representatives in student voice meetings and their response to the intervention in an entirely student-led and culturally diverse group composition. The findings suggest potential benefits of employing inquiry-structured agenda topics and provide a framework for practical insights in improving procedural structure, meeting dynamics and overall meeting outcomes as a social practice in diverse higher education activities.

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(Nograles et al., 2024)
Nograles, N. H., Krishnan, N. A. I. M. A., & May, S. T. S. (2024). Cultivating Inclusive Voices: Empowering Student Leaders through Inquiry-Structured Agendas in Feedback Meetings. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 235–249.